Installation Ceremony - 21st July 2024
On 21st July '2024, Rotary Bangalore Abilities had its installation ceremony of Rtn Arun Mohan and office bearers for RY 2024-25 at Rotary House of Friendship, Lavelle Road, Bengaluru. Rtn. Satish Madhavan, District Governor, RID 3191was the installing officer for the ceremony. Shri.Das Suryavamshi, State Commissioner for Rights of Persons with Disability Act, Karnataka was the chief guest of the ceremony. Rtn.Shankar Subramanian, Managing Trustee, Ninedots Foundation and Country Head, RAGAMS was the Guest of Honour for the ceremony. Rtn. Ashwini Masti, Rtn.Balaji.T.R and Rtn. Kavitha Subramaniam along with other Rotarians offered their warmest greetings and congratulations to the incoming officers and wished other newly installed members. Rtn. Andrea Catel, President, Rotary EClub do Distrito 4621 - Tropeiros sent her greetings through a video to team RBA at the installation ceremony. As a part of the RBA project, stationeries and school bags were sponsored to the beneficiaries by Rtn.Arun Mohan, President, RBA. Rtn.Kameshwari Rao, Secretary, RBA rendered the vote of thanks and expressed her wish that the new Rotary year will bring opportunities for growth, service and fellowship, making a positive impact in the community and spreading magic to the world.